Say Hello

I don’t consider myself shy
But when I caught your eye
All forms of language seemed to leave my memory
Caught in the emotions that raged inside

Time seemed to stop with each look that we shared
But I couldn't bring myself to dare
To think that maybe this time,
This time,

Eyes don’t lie that’s the truth that I have been told
What is this sensation that urges me to take that chance?
And make that first move

It counters my good sense and restraint,
Which makes me wait,
To read a single sign from you
To prove that this is too good to be true

Don’t take my hesitation
As a childish reiteration
Of school day play or a game
That’s not my way

I am aggressive in all ways but this
And I can’t seem to resist
The thought that you might be able to return
The feelings, this feeing

What secrets do you hide?
Will I get the chance to learn?
To earn
A trust
on which every good relationship is built

But alas I am to shy to try
To weak to speak
To meek to take that leap
And just say

I wrote the poem above at my first poetry slam/reading. I have always had a thing for people who can do magic with words. I can tell a writer even before I hear them speak or see their work. They have a look to them. They are observant. It's sexy... (well the good ones anyway)

I wrote this to a guy I saw that night. Left it for him to read and left. The story of how that evolved will come later in the blog, not quite ready to share it yet. I told you I was a spontaneous writer, everything is off the cuff, almost no edits, raw and real and open. Never staged or rehearsed, just thoughts in my head that need to be released. I'm not ready to release that one in text yet.

Tonight I got to preform again. It was exhilarating. Every time I step on a stage I feel like superwoman, no I feel like Super Melony. You can't tell me nothing. I'm high as a kite and I don't need drugs. Its addicting. I can't wait to do it again.

Its weird because moments before my feet hit a stage I'm all butterflies, worrying if you will like me. But once on a stage I own it. And you can tell.

Tonight was the first of many performances to come. I'm going to take my art more seriously. I will do a play or musical next year. I miss the stage. I'm going to look into voice over acting. And every 1st and 3rd Sunday I will sing (not just in church). In this season of Melony, art will flourish... that's why I preformed my poem "Art" was for Him... but also for me.

Baby I want you to be my Entourage


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