
Loving you was a song I just couldn't sing
the notes too high, the beat to slow
Each chord individually was ecstasy
together a tirade of noise

Loving you was a book I couldn't complete
a page turner that had no end
I loved and longed for the passion on every page
but found it hard to concentrate

Loving you was a play I just couldn't understand
the actors running out of things to say
the audience anticipating the climatic plot twist
never ready for the disappointing end.

Loving you was a thought I couldn’t comprehend
Its philosophy too deep, it’s feeling too heavy
I want so badly to understand
But I’m not ready to take it all in

....incomplete, but still ready to post


  1. Love is the best book never finished.

    Love is the best melody only heard halfway.

    Love is the best movie that was fell asleep on.

    No matter how badly things turn out, we still want love. That's a hard pill to swallow.


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